Monday, January 26, 2015

What it takes to develop a Great Photo : Unlocking the Camera !

BY : PR Team Studio 52, 27th January- 2015 , 10:00 AM

Photography makes it simple for anyone to produce images without needing any artistic ability: just set AUTO and go.
You can't paint unless you study and practice. In studying painting, you are always taught image structure.Anyone can take pictures. Formal courses of photographic study rarely, if ever, cover the basics of image structure. All they teach is technical mumbo-jumbo, which is a waste because cameras do all of the technical stuff for us today anyway.

Even professional photographers are rarely taught about the nuts and bolts of image formation, which is why so many photographs are so unpleasant.
The lack of structure is why so many photographs don't make it.
The nature of my blog is critical because I hope to explain the central structures that are so vital to making strong imagery. Images that get the fundamental rights always get people to go ooooh and ahhhhh, and those without their fundamentals in order are boring.

Equipped with this information, hopefully you'll start recognizing the elements which make images that make people's jaws drop, win top honors at photo contests, and are the first images an editor picks when buying images.
Once you learn these simple basics, you'll be able to take awesome, award-winning shots with any camera. Once you can do this, you'll no longer need to waste so much money on camera gear or haul so much of it around with you. You'll just take great pictures.

This is crucial

If the image didn't catch your eye like, it wouldn't mean much.
Once a photo has caught your attention, it needs to have details to keep the eyes interested. This is easy. Every photo has details. The problem is how few photos have any sort of underlying structure to catch your eye in the first place.
Most photographers snap photos, paying attention only to the details, but ignoring the far, far more important fundamentals. Most photographers don't even know that there are fundamentals!

It's not about the subject

Here's another secret: in photographic art, it's never about the subject.
It's always about the underlying compositional structure. Subjects that may be there are chosen because they support or create a structure, not the other way around.
What a subject does in real life is irrelevant. In a good photo, subjects are chosen to provide the shapes or colors we want to lay down the basic design of an image.

Studio 52 Photography

We are recognized as innovators in digital photography and have one of the most advanced in-house production facilities in the world. Whether it’s an individual portrait or a group photograph of your entire employees or colleague, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve been supplying quality photographs for over 40 years and today, are one of Middle East's undisputed leaders in the field.

Copyright: Studio52 @ 2015 All Rights Reserved

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Communication Gap Restructured by Audio-Video engineering


BY : PR Team Studio 52, 19th Jan- 2015 , 10:00 AM

There is always an imagination behind any invention. And most importantly invention occurs when there is a need. Human brain is very complex and above all the supercomputers. Every brain has a different behavior towards adapting new things. It was an era of 90's when people realized the power of media. After long and hard toiled research a fact came in light that the brain of human functions like a fire and catches those things easily which it come across in a virtual form. Some Intelligent Marketers easily understood this thing and started playing with the psychology of people for their own benefit. Since this idea wasn't viral quickly, those marketers became business tycoon overnight. What was the secret ? Are you still wondered ? Come On ! Wake up and smell the coffee !

It's all about habit and learning. People easily remember those things which they perceive through an image rather than bookish information. Now this is where your job fits into the role. When an image alone hits your target audience then why not choose a video which has a proven mammoth impact over a mass. Being a business owner, who doesn't want to reap the benefits and even when a Media Consultant like Studio 52 is available in your service 24*7. We treat our client as a queen and committed to brought them best ever .

Our factory has everything that you need to skyrocket your venture. We hold an unique umbrella of media related services. A shop where quality is assured and success is 100 % guaranteed. Studio 52 never pretends to boast itself as No. 1 company but humbly asks you to have a glimpse of our past records. From audio to video and from script writing to launching a customized movie we do it all for you. Since 1977 We have long list of more than 2000+ satisfied clients who also became our admirer and story teller in the entire market of GCC.

Studio 52 is being a company has a supervision to deliver media products at its best & simplest but most advanced & informative form. We aspire to contribute into the growth of media industry in a manner where a common man can also have an easy access for media services. Production of high quality videos and maintaining ethical standards would be our chief objective. Moreover we also want to full fill the communication gap among individuals, society, states and countries with our transparent, accurate and authentic media productions in order to avoid any mishap.

Copyright : Studio52_2015. All Rights Reserved.

Understanding Health through visual communication.

Make conversion of every single penny you spend : Studio 52 Presents Telephone Hold Messages to safeguard client's interest.

A well framed communication can inspires others to follow you and your deeds.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Visual Communication Proved to be the best thing since sliced bread and videos has best of both worlds.

BY : PR Team Studio 52, 15th January, 2015 , 10:00 AM


After spending  long office hours It's a time to take a break now and I prefer to enjoy holidays in my home country.  Trust me on this, a journey being a transnational can't offer you nothing but a tiresome affair. This time luck favored me and I got to manage something very exciting. Do you have any guess? It was merely a magazine which has a cover page saying " This magazine has enriched with telepathic machine, Beware!  before you judge it"

This was something unique which raise my curiosity and I can't prevent myself to flip it ahead. The moment I started reading I found it a very ordinary kind of sales oriented textbook. I had almost decided to end-up with this session but suddenly I observed an image of a pregnant lady. And It had a banner beneath this picture quoted as "What precaution one must take during pregnancy?". Now this was a great appeal which bounded me in an emotional thread. I could then instantaneously re-connect myself to the existing condition of expecting wife. I knew the sole purpose of this magazine was to zoom the sales of a company but when you take care of your love one' you always lend your ear to such informative articles. if you buy my words, I ended up with this magazine and didn't even know that flight was about to land. 

I tell you why I could have done this : The company was promoting about their products with every next image. For instance , What supplement a woman must take during pregnancy and what has to be avoided. Even how would you plan a journey of your future baby? What are advisable nutrients you must follow for you and your baby. what clothes has to be wear for protecting the soft skin of baby ?There were n numbers of free advises and every single piece of advice had been depicted with a particular brand.

Moreover the branding was that much connected with the story which won't let you forget so easily. The story was in its best hierarchical order and weaved well with a life of common man.  By going an extra mile they didn't forget to mention hashtags, social media channels and appropriate links to YouTube videos and relevant website. I thought if the textual advertisement is so impressive then what could be the beauty of video. believe you me ! I was super excited about clicking  that video. Since you aren't allowed to access your gadgets while flying, I literally began countdown for flight to be landed as soon as possible. Finally time has arrived and people started taking -off seatbelt and eyeing on their belongings. But I was much uptight about accessing the internet to watch that video. The moment I clicked over the video drove me crazy as it was 1000 times more informative and entertaining.

The phenomenon of marketing has changed its way and nobody wants to carry the burden of past trends. The formula is simple "if you are not on top chart, that means your method of communication needs a direction". It is needless to say that esteemed recognition of videos has broken all the traditions. It is whole nine yard of 21st century. Therefore it's time for you to kick into the higher gear to become a leader in the market.

Copyright: Studio52 @ 2015 All Rights Reserved

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Video Communication is the mother of advertisement And Remember Mother is the best care taker ever !

BY PR TEAM : Studio 52 Media, 11th Jan, 2015, 16:30 PM


Yesterday I woke up midnight and thought what happened to the world. It keeps changing the trend even when you aren't awake. I peeped into my facebook and twitter account and what I saw had made me surprised. According to a post a single video has the capability to engage 120% more viewers than any other mode of advertisement. This incident helped me to recall my old days of school when my mentor used to say that people with right-brain tend to be more creative in order to respond  visual stimulation viz. imagery and color. On the contrary left brainers are comparatively more analytical and passionate about numbers and language. And a scientific report suggests that there are more right brains in the world than left. If we believe in a statistics revealed by an authentic research firm that 98% marketers trust what they see in a video and this eventually converts them as a genuine buyer of that particular product. This is the reason why people have tendency to be more inclined towards visual communication.

Since online video is the ultimate incarnation of visual content, these statistics undoubtedly bode well for the growth of video marketing in near future. According to a recent report published by International advertisement association (IAA) in 2014 an average viewer enjoyed 2,234 minutes of online video alone and 95% users had been reported to forward and share videos in several social media stations.

Friends ! Everyone of us must have seen movie, TV serial at least once in their life. There is always a lead character that often injected with qualities which public desire to see. In a similar way, successful marketers know to unlock the barriers by connecting the thoughts of a common man into advertisement strategy. Understanding what is funny and what's not , what's on trending and what's out of fashion has become more important aspect nowadays. Producing a video could be a simple task but presenting a video asks for a lot of planning and hard toiled research. A good quality video contains a bunch of comic content, animated techniques, community engagement, a sort but quick responding.

Marketers often do a mistake by using detached and irrelevant videos into their strategy. Top brand in the market do nothing special but follow the guidance of experts and present videos differently. Here at Studio 52 we not only produce a video but decorate it with delicious ingredients of sentiments & realism which let your viewers never go off.

Copyright @ Studio 52 Media_2015. All Rights Reserved.