Saturday, December 20, 2014

The supremacy of Video-- An elite Communication tool

BY : PR Team Studio 52, 20th December, 2014 , 1:00 PM


The human mind is full of imagination and fulfilled with hunger of information and interaction. The communication environment was completely dominated by the perseverance of handwritten and oral methodologies before the invention of printing press. Then in 1450 Johannes Gutenberg helped changing the world And print media spread information everywhere at the speed of wild fire. In 1837, the invention of telegraph considered as a revolution which helped people to communicate over long distances. Leading up to the present day, the world became a global village as the invention of telephone and radio brought audio to every home.

And then in 21st century, evolution of communication reached at its climax which brought video in form of TV. By the end of 1950's every single home of USA was having a Television set and it worked as a primary channel of spreading public ideas, opinion and beliefs.

And nowadays, Video is so omnipresent in every walk of our life that it became an ingredient of our subconscious. We are not even able to calculate the amount of information received from Electronic news, video, commercials, e-advertisements, movies, documentaries and from almighty Youtube. There is countless number of videos available in internet including news, comedy, live concert, tutorials, self recorded Virals etc. 

However video cannot be confined as a medium of entertainment as it has become a vital element in business, politics, communication, music and social media. Everybody shares videos for selling and branding of their products whereas some prefer to upload and download videos to promote innovative ideas.

Since videos are produced with the quick burst of sound and vision, it seeks the attention of viewer rapidly and leaves a lasting impression. The Video message is quite understandable and connected with the emotions of common public which undoubtedly impacts people from all demography. Apparently therein lies the influence of video - the capability to effectively share credence and does impact the audiences across the globe from the ease of their houses to the screens of their multimedia devices 24 hours a day and 7 days a week !

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